Call for Papers 2023

Call for Papers 2023

Posted by Essays in History Editors on 2023-12-06

Essays in History (EiH) is currently soliciting submissions for its upcoming fifty-sixth volume. Please share this announcement with emerging scholars in your network, and please also update your bookmarks to reflect our new location with our archived issues at

Essays in History (EiH) is an open access journal for emerging historians. EiH publishes peer-reviewed articles and historiographical essays in all areas of historical inquiry, as well as reviews of the most recent scholarship. The journal has been staffed by graduate students at the University of Virginia since 1954. EiH aims to provide a supportive experience for our editors, authors, and referees. The editorial team is committed to ensuring that equity, anti-racism, and accessibility are at the heart of who we are, how we operate, and the work we publish. 

Essays in History welcomes submissions from graduate students, scholars who have received their PhD within the last five years, and accomplished undergraduates. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, June 20th, 2023. You may submit your work or volunteer to serve as an anonymous referee through our website:
