Science Under Fire: Challenges to Scientific Authority in Modern America. By Andrew Jewett (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2020). Pp. 369. Cloth, $39.95
Andrew Jewett’s Science Under Fire: Challenges to Scientific Authority in Modern America canvasses the century long tradition of skepticism toward scientific authority in American thought. Drawing on a staggering range of primary and secondary sources, the book illustrates how widely disparate religious, ideological and cultural groups shared a common critical framework that viewed science’s growing cultural influence as the root of social and moral pathologies. Deeply researched and thoroughly documented, Jewett paints a compelling portrait of the variant ways opposition to science characterized a wide range of cultural conflicts and political cleavages throughout the twentieth century.
How to Cite
McNamara, K., (2022) “Science Under Fire: Challenges to Scientific Authority in Modern America. By Andrew Jewett (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2020). Pp. 369. Cloth, $39.95”, Essays in History 55(1), 1-3. doi: